Q1: Can a patent search be conducted?
Q2: Can a patent application be filed without its complete documents?
Yes, however missing documents must be filed within the due dates.
Q3: Can convention priority be claimed? Paris Convention?
Q4: Can a registration be obtained for pharmaceutical products?
Yes, pharmaceutical products and their methods of preparation are patentable according to the Egyptian Patent Law.
Q5: What is the term of protection of a patent and from which date is it calculated? Can it be extended?
20 years from the date of filing in Egypt – No.
Q6: Is a secret form of filing a model/design permitted?
Q7: Is there a novelty requirement? Is it local or worldwide?
Yes, worldwide.
Q8: Are utility models granted protection in Egypt under the current law?
Q9: Is the patent protection available for software alone, or must the software be coupled with computer hardware in order to permit patent application?
No – Yes.
Q10: Can the specifications or claims be amended?
Yes, however amendments of claims must not go beyond disclosure of the specification.
Q11: Could annuity payments be made before the granting of the patent?
Yes, it should be starting from the first year of filing.
Q12: In what language should specifications and claims of the patent be filed?
Arabic specification and abstract + English abstract.
Q13: Is working of the invention required to keep protection in force and, if so, can the working requirements be satisfied by importation or nominal working?
Q14: What are the conditions that might lead to a compulsory license?
Non-use for 3 consecutive years after grant of patent or within 4 years from the filing date, which is longer of the two periods, or if working ceases for one year without an acceptable reason.
Q15: Must assignments be recorded within a certain period?
Q16: Does the Patent Law provide for licenses or registered users?
Q17: Does the Patents Office publish the patent applications in the Official Gazette?
Only the abstracts of granted patents are published.